Baskets of Fish @kingkoigoldfish ‘s booth at WCGP2, Wonderful Vendor to work wit…
We had a new vendor this year at WCGP2 Connie’s they had amazing selection of fi…
This ranchu was Reserve Champion over 3”…. Amazing fish perfect top line. #ra…
Goldfish Palooza 2018
Another shipment of pins heading out to our supporters… Thanks for becoming me…
The Goldfish Council is actively looking for a couple of small groups of hobbyis…
Gorgeous Orandas at the Coast Gem USA Booth #wcgp2 #westcoastgoldfishpalooza …
Richard one of the owners of @kingkoigoldfish with of our TGC members @steamboa…
The Clean-Up Crew for West Coast Goldfish Palooza II. A big thankyou to all the…
Our Grand Champion at the West Coast Goldfish Palooza II. Exhibited by @tamasj…
Connie’s was another great Vendor at our event there show tanks were another lev…
Don’t know if Lauren one of the owners of @kingkoigoldfish was trying to grab t…
Nimitz and Shampoo Owners of @coastgemusa one of our gracious vendors at West C…
Our Junior Champion at West Coast Goldfish Palooza II #wcgp2 #westcoastgoldfis…
Our Auction was a blast these two participants went home with some amazing fish….
This fish was amazing… Happened to not like being in the show tank. But receiv…
This amazing Tosakin won the TGC Award, awarded to the best Hobbyist Bred fish i…
Judges and Owner of @genkikoi_goldfish at the end of West Coast Goldfish Palooza…
West Coast Goldfish Palooza was enjoyed by many #wcgp2 #westcoastgoldfishpaloo…
2018 West Coast Goldfish Palooza – The Goldfish Council