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Happy Anniversary! 11 April 2017 President’s Blog


On April 22, 2017, The Goldfish Council will be one year old. We are a United State’s IRS regulated non-profit. We are regulated as a 501(c)3 charity. Our Treasurer Matt Lyon, is filing our first tax returns with the IRS this week. Yes, we have a few dollars.

If you read our by-laws (found here), they dictate that we have our first election to rotate a portion of our board. Our Director of Membership, Joshua McWilliams will be emailing all our paid members to see if they would like to become a Board Member or Director. If you are a 2017 member please consider self nominating through Joshua McWilliams.

You do not need to be a serious breeder, or a giant collector, you need to be able to spare a couple of hours each week (1-3) to do various tasks and participate in a monthly phone discussion and occasionally a interactive written thread.

In 2017 we have many great educational events that are getting finalized for publication. Consider getting in the core of the goldfish hobby by working for our non-profit in addition to being a member.

If you have questions about the work load or the time it takes, contact any of the Board Members.

Hope to see a great group of you all on the election ballot in May. The election will be electronic on this very page, details are coming in your email over the next week or so.

Best Fishy Regards, Gary Hater President TGC


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