The Goldfish Council and Ohio Koi Ltd. are proud to announce a partnership to create a goldfish show and educational event at the Ohio Koi Ltd. facility in Sunbury Ohio.
6015 Carters Corner Rd. Sunbury, Ohio 43074
(conveniently located between Columbus and Cleveland OH off I-71)
August 4 & 5, 2023
Friday August 4
10:00 am Set Up begins (helpers Welcome)
3:00 pm Registration and entries begin, Facility Open
Saturday August 5
9:00 am Registration, Benching and entries continue, facility is open for business.
11:00 am Last Call for Entries
11:30 am Judging Begins, Educational Tour by Todd Elliott
1:00 pm Awards Ceremony and Public Viewing of show Begins
4:00 pm Show Ends Tear down begins (helpers needed)
Show Details:
Show is open to the Public, no admission
Entries are open to the Public, advanced registration is preferred, registration the day of the show does not guarantee tank space.
The Goldfish Council will supply a certified Judge for the event.
Up to four fish can be entered in a show tank (20H gallon). Fee per tank is $10.00, 3 tank rentals for $25, Advanced registration at the THEGOLDFISHCOUNCIL.ORG. Limit of 5 tanks per exhibitor.
Show will use the TGC Standards, two size classes will be allowed <3” body length and >3” body length. Entries of both size classes can be mixed in the tank.
Prizes and Awards:
Classes: Oranda Ranchu Ryukin Veiltail Telescope Pond Fish Special Variety Breeders Trio (3 fish from same Line or Spawn?) Awards: Grand Champion The Goldfish Council Award Reserve Grand Champion Baby Champion Reserve Baby Champion Founders Award (Best Trio) Best Oranda Best Ranchu Best Ryukin Best Veiltail Best Telescope Best Pond Fish Best Special Variety
Host: Todd Elliott – owner Ohio Koi Ltd.
Show Chairman – Gary Hater – Founder, The Goldfish Council LLC